Thursday, February 13, 2020


CORPORATE STRATEGY (INDIVIDUAL ACADEMIC REPORT) - Essay Example The strategy of any business observes an organisation from the viewpoint of their internal strengths and weaknesses and its opportunities and threats that are present in the business environment (James, 2004). Strategies are developed by the management by considering the business environment to gain competitive advantage from the current situation and look for the future growth and development that will benefit the organisation in the long run. There were many schools of thoughts that developed the basics of business strategy that guided the management to develop the strategies based upon these principles. The classical school of thought provided the strategy fundamentals that were based upon the managers’ ability and organisational hierarchy. The processual school of thought provided the fundamentals of business strategy that were based upon continuous development. The philosophy was that the strategy is a continuous process. The evolutionary school of thought provided the fundamentals of strategy that were based upon the concept of business environment (Harfiel, 2011). The business cycle compels the organisations to accept and amend their strategies as the market expands or contracts and any other changes takes place. The management directs the organisations in such business situation through mix business strategies and operational policies to earn revenues and market share along with meeting customers’ needs by means of efficient and effective business operations (Walden University, 2010). Operational strategy is important and organisations need to identify their operations to determine the strategies to gain success. Finding different solutions for operations of the company with different models will allow the management to access the benefit of progression in the business cycle through efficient operations (Walden University, 2010). Cadbury

Saturday, February 1, 2020

SMEs Entrepreneurship and Ethnic Distinctions Assignment

SMEs Entrepreneurship and Ethnic Distinctions - Assignment Example According to the research findings, today, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the major source economic growth in the countries. According to International Finance Corporation, SMEs contribute to 90% of businesses in the world and accounts for approximately 50% of employment. Considering the global financial crisis, SMEs are the foundation of creating more jobs and economic growth, particularly in the developing countries. Hence, generating opportunities for SMEs is a major approach to encourage development and diminish poverty. Due to the global financial crisis, most of the emerging markets have constrained the right to use various financial services for SMEs. They are not given the complete access to financing as yet, however, the liquidity is brought back to financial institutions, and lending activities are reported to be lower than before. Around 17 million SMEs in developing countries have not met the credit needs, which is the reason to broaden up the gap. This gap has r eached in between $900 billion to $1.1 trillion in the developing markets. International Finance Corporation (IFC) has formulated the policies to foster the SMEs financing across the world so that to encourage business support for such enterprises. The obstacles in the development of SMEs and access to finance are due to the various ethnic groups positioned in the country. The differences between diverse ethnic groups make it more challenging to set policies with reference to SMEs ethnic minority finance. An ethnic minority group is referred to as a business which comprises of owner and managers or large numbers of partners from a specific ethnic group that exists in minority. These are particular non-white people who start their own small business. There are five major ethnic minority communities who start up their small business to the greater extent, include Pakistani, Black Caribbean, Indian, Black African and Bangladesh.